Daily Archives 2023-04-02

One among them daughters is one of the individual that afterwards (after she was widowed?

One among them daughters is one of the individual that afterwards (after she was widowed?

Rabbah responded that he features a relationship of unique faith with their partner, but not using this type of Rav Papa (BT Ketubbot 85a)

) married Rabbah. This conclusion can be inferred from another tradition. In BT Bava Batra 12b we are told that when still a child, sitting on her father’s lap, she met his two pupils, Rami bar Hamma and Rabbah. In answer to her father’s question as to which one she preferred to marry, she answered, “Both,” to which Rabbah replied: “And me last.” Although the story does not continue to state that this is indeed what happened, we may assume that it was composed because of the well-known fact that Rav Hisda’s daughter had been married to both of Rav Hisda’s prized students.

As a unique character, Bat Rav Hisda is presented only as Rabbah’s wife. Twice we are informed that Rabbah had great trust in her and made legal and juristic decisions based on her judgment. The expression used to convey this trust is unique and untranslatable (??? ??? ?????). It appears only twelve times in the entire Talmud, suggesting that such informal and complete trust is quite remarkable. A demonstration of how influe...
